Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAppDataUnitInterface (envelope) to data received over RTP packets
 CApplicationHandlerApplication objects modification methods
 CAVPQueueThis class, an RTP/RTCP queue, adds audio/video profile (AVP) specific methods to the generic RTCP service queue (QueueRTCPManager)
 CConflictHandlerTo track addresses of sources conflicting with the local one
 CCryptoContextThe implementation for a SRTP cryptographic context
 CCryptoContextCtrlThe implementation for a SRTCP cryptographic context
 CDestinationListHandlerThis class handles a list of destination addresses
 CDualUDPIPv4SocketA socket class based on two UDP/IPv4 sockets
 CDynamicPayloadFormatDynamic payload format objects
 CIncomingDataQueueQueue for incoming RTP data packets in an RTP session
 CSyncSourcesIteratorIterator through the list of synchronizations sources in this session
 CIncomingRTPPktRTP packets received from other participants
 CMembersMembers and senders accounting
 CMembershipBookkeepingControls the group membership in the current session
 CIncomingRTPPktLinkIncoming RTP data packets control structure within the incoming packet queue class
 CSyncSourceLinkSynchronization Source internal handler within the incoming packets queue
 COutgoingDataQueueA generic outgoing RTP data queue supporting multiple destinations
 COutgoingRTPPktRTP packets being sent
 CParticipantA class of objects representing remote participants (RTP applications) in a multimedia session
 CParticipantHandlerParticipant objects modification methods
 CPayloadFormatBase payload format class
 CPredEqualsStd equality for SessionListElement objects
 CQueueRTCPManagerAdds generic management of RTCP functions to an RTP data queue
 CRTCPCompoundHandlerLow level structs and RTCP packet parsing and building methods
 CAPPPacketStruct for APP (application specific) RTCP packets
 CBYEPacketStruct for BYE (leaving session) RTCP packets
 CFIRPacketStruct for Full Intra-frame Request (FIR) RTCP packet
 CNACKPacketStruct for Negative ACKnowledgements (NACK) RTCP packet
 CReceiverInfoStruct for the data contained in a receiver info block
 CRecvReportRaw structure of the source and every receiver report in an SR or RR RTCP packet
 CRRBlockStruct for a receiver info block in a SR (sender report) or an RR (receiver report) RTCP packet
 CRTCPFixedHeaderFixed RTCP packet header
 CRTCPPacketStruct representing general RTCP packet headers as they are sent through the network
 CSDESChunkStruct for a chunk of items in a SDES RTCP packet
 CSDESItemStruct for an item description of a SDES packet
 CSenderInfoStruct for the sender info block in a SR (sender report) RTCP packet
 CSendReportStruct for SR (sender report) RTCP packets
 CRTCPReceiverInfoReport block information of SR/RR RTCP reports
 CRTCPSenderInfoSender block information of SR RTCP reports
 CRTPApplicationAn RTP application, holding identifying RTCP SDES item values
 CParticipantsIteratorIterator through the list of participants in this session
 CRTPBaseUDPIPv4SocketA UDP/IPv4 socket class targeted at RTP stacks
 CRTPDataQueueA packet queue handler for building different kinds of RTP protocol systems
 CRTPDuplexA peer associated RTP socket pair for physically connected peer hosts
 CRTPPacketA base class for both IncomingRTPPkt and OutgoingRTPPkt
 CRFC2833PayloadStructure defining RFC2833 Telephony events
 CRTPQueueBaseA virtual base class for RTP queue hierarchies
 CRTPSessionBaseGeneric RTP protocol stack for exchange of realtime data
 CRTPSessionPoolThis class is a base class for classes that define a group of RTP sessions that will be served by one or more execution threads
 CSDESItemsHolderHolds the SDES items and related information from a participant in an RTP application
 CSessionListElementClass for tracking session status
 CSingleThreadRTPSessionThis template class adds the threading aspect to the RTPSessionBase template in one of the many possible ways
 CStaticPayloadFormatStatic payload format objects
 CSyncSourceSynchronization source in an RTP session
 CSyncSourceHandlerSyncSource objects modification methods