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E.8.2 Writing Module Functions

The main reason for writing an Emacs module is to make additional functions available to Lisp programs that load the module. This subsection describes how to write such module functions.

A module function has the following general form and signature:

Function: emacs_value emacs_function (emacs_env *env, ptrdiff_t nargs, emacs_value *args, void *data)

The env argument provides a pointer to the API environment, needed to access Emacs objects and functions. The nargs argument is the required number of arguments, which can be zero (see make_function below for more flexible specification of the argument number), and args is a pointer to the array of the function arguments. The argument data points to additional data required by the function, which was arranged when make_function (see below) was called to create an Emacs function from emacs_function.

Module functions use the type emacs_value to communicate Lisp objects between Emacs and the module (see Conversion Between Lisp and Module Values). The API, described below and in the following subsections, provides facilities for conversion between basic C data types and the corresponding emacs_value objects.

A module function always returns a value. If the function returns normally, the Lisp code which called it will see the Lisp object corresponding to the emacs_value value the function returned. However, if the user typed C-g, or if the module function or its callees signaled an error or exited nonlocally (see Nonlocal Exits in Modules), Emacs will ignore the returned value and quit or throw as it does when Lisp code encounters the same situations.

The header emacs-module.h provides the type emacs_function as an alias type for a function pointer to a module function.

After writing your C code for a module function, you should make a Lisp function object from it using the make_function function, whose pointer is provided in the environment (recall that the pointer to the environment is returned by get_environment). This is normally done in the module initialization function (see module initialization function), after verifying the API compatibility.

Function: emacs_value make_function (emacs_env *env, ptrdiff_t min_arity, ptrdiff_t max_arity, emacs_function func, const char *docstring, void *data)

This returns an Emacs function created from the C function func, whose signature is as described for emacs_function above. The arguments min_arity and max_arity specify the minimum and maximum number of arguments that func can accept. The max_arity argument can have the special value emacs_variadic_function, which makes the function accept an unlimited number of arguments, like the &rest keyword in Lisp (see Features of Argument Lists).

The argument data is a way to arrange for arbitrary additional data to be passed to func when it is called. Whatever pointer is passed to make_function will be passed unaltered to func.

The argument docstring specifies the documentation string for the function. It should be either an ASCII string, or a UTF-8 encoded non-ASCII string, or a NULL pointer; in the latter case the function will have no documentation. The documentation string can end with a line that specifies the advertised calling convention, see Documentation Strings of Functions.

Since every module function must accept the pointer to the environment as its first argument, the call to make_function could be made from any module function, but you will normally want to do that from the module initialization function, so that all the module functions are known to Emacs once the module is loaded.

Finally, you should bind the Lisp function to a symbol, so that Lisp code could call your function by name. For that, use the module API function intern (see intern) whose pointer is also provided in the environment that module functions can access.

Combining the above steps, code that arranges for a C function module_func to be callable as module-func from Lisp will look like this, as part of the module initialization function:

 emacs_env *env = runtime->get_environment (runtime);
 emacs_value func = env->make_function (env, min_arity, max_arity,
                                        module_func, docstring, data);
 emacs_value symbol = env->intern (env, "module-func");
 emacs_value args[] = {symbol, func};
 env->funcall (env, env->intern (env, "defalias"), 2, args);

This makes the symbol module-func known to Emacs by calling env->intern, then invokes defalias from Emacs to bind the function to that symbol. Note that it is possible to use fset instead of defalias; the differences are described in defalias.

Module functions including the emacs_module_init function (see module initialization function) may only interact with Emacs by calling environment functions from some live emacs_env pointer while being called directly or indirectly from Emacs. In other words, if a module function wants to call Lisp functions or Emacs primitives, convert emacs_value objects to and from C datatypes (see Conversion Between Lisp and Module Values), or interact with Emacs in any other way, some call from Emacs to emacs_module_init or to a module function must be in the call stack. Module functions may not interact with Emacs while garbage collection is running; see Garbage Collection. They may only interact with Emacs from Lisp interpreter threads (including the main thread) created by Emacs; see Threads. The --module-assertions command-line option can detect some violations of the above requirements. See Initial Options in The GNU Emacs Manual.

Using the module API, it is possible to define more complex function and data types: inline functions, macros, etc. However, the resulting C code will be cumbersome and hard to read. Therefore, we recommend that you limit the module code which creates functions and data structures to the absolute minimum, and leave the rest for a Lisp package that will accompany your module, because doing these additional tasks in Lisp is much easier, and will produce a much more readable code. For example, given a module function module-func defined as above, one way of making a macro module-macro based on it is with the following simple Lisp wrapper:

(defmacro module-macro (&rest args)
  "Documentation string for the macro."
  (module-func args))

The Lisp package which goes with your module could then load the module using the load primitive (see Emacs Dynamic Modules) when the package is loaded into Emacs.

By default, module functions created by make_function are not interactive. To make them interactive, you can use the following function.

Function: void make_interactive (emacs_env *env, emacs_value function, emacs_value spec)

This function, which is available since Emacs 28, makes the function function interactive using the interactive specification spec. Emacs interprets spec like the argument to the interactive form. Using interactive, and see Code Characters for interactive. function must be an Emacs module function returned by make_function.

Note that there is no native module support for retrieving the interactive specification of a module function. Use the function interactive-form for that. Using interactive. It is not possible to make a module function non-interactive once you have made it interactive using make_interactive.

If you want to run some code when a module function object (i.e., an object returned by make_function) is garbage-collected, you can install a function finalizer. Function finalizers are available since Emacs 28. For example, if you have passed some heap-allocated structure to the data argument of make_function, you can use the finalizer to deallocate the structure. See (libc)Basic Allocation, and see (libc)Freeing after Malloc. The finalizer function has the following signature:

void finalizer (void *data)

Here, data receives the value passed to data when calling make_function. Note that the finalizer can’t interact with Emacs in any way.

Directly after calling make_function, the newly-created function doesn’t have a finalizer. Use set_function_finalizer to add one, if desired.

Function: void emacs_finalizer (void *ptr)

The header emacs-module.h provides the type emacs_finalizer as a type alias for an Emacs finalizer function.

Function: emacs_finalizer get_function_finalizer (emacs_env *env, emacs_value arg)

This function, which is available since Emacs 28, returns the function finalizer associated with the module function represented by arg. arg must refer to a module function, that is, an object returned by make_function. If no finalizer is associated with the function, NULL is returned.

Function: void set_function_finalizer (emacs_env *env, emacs_value arg, emacs_finalizer fin)

This function, which is available since Emacs 28, sets the function finalizer associated with the module function represented by arg to fin. arg must refer to a module function, that is, an object returned by make_function. fin can either be NULL to clear arg’s function finalizer, or a pointer to a function to be called when the object represented by arg is garbage-collected. At most one function finalizer can be set per function; if arg already has a finalizer, it is replaced by fin.

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