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13.11.2 Advising Named Functions

A common use of advice is for named functions and macros. You could just use add-function as in:

(add-function :around (symbol-function 'fun) #'his-tracing-function)

But you should use advice-add and advice-remove for that instead. This separate set of functions to manipulate pieces of advice applied to named functions, offers the following extra features compared to add-function: they know how to deal with macros and autoloaded functions, they let describe-function preserve the original docstring as well as document the added advice, and they let you add and remove advice before a function is even defined.

advice-add can be useful for altering the behavior of existing calls to an existing function without having to redefine the whole function. However, it can be a source of bugs, since existing callers to the function may assume the old behavior, and work incorrectly when the behavior is changed by advice. Advice can also cause confusion in debugging, if the person doing the debugging does not notice or remember that the function has been modified by advice.

For these reasons, advice should be reserved for the cases where you cannot modify a function’s behavior in any other way. If it is possible to do the same thing via a hook, that is preferable (see Hooks). If you simply want to change what a particular key does, it may be better to write a new command, and remap the old command’s key bindings to the new one (see Remapping Commands).

If you are writing code for release, for others to use, try to avoid including advice in it. If the function you want to advise has no hook to do the job, please talk with the Emacs developers about adding a suitable hook. Especially, Emacs’s own source files should not put advice on functions in Emacs. (There are currently a few exceptions to this convention, but we aim to correct them.) It is generally cleaner to create a new hook in foo, and make bar use the hook, than to have bar put advice in foo.

Special forms (see Special Forms) cannot be advised, however macros can be advised, in much the same way as functions. Of course, this will not affect code that has already been macro-expanded, so you need to make sure the advice is installed before the macro is expanded.

It is possible to advise a primitive (see What Is a Function?), but one should typically not do so, for two reasons. Firstly, some primitives are used by the advice mechanism, and advising them could cause an infinite recursion. Secondly, many primitives are called directly from C, and such calls ignore advice; hence, one ends up in a confusing situation where some calls (occurring from Lisp code) obey the advice and other calls (from C code) do not.

Macro: define-advice symbol (where lambda-list &optional name depth) &rest body

This macro defines a piece of advice and adds it to the function named symbol. The advice is an anonymous function if name is nil or a function named symbol@name. See advice-add for explanation of other arguments.

Function: advice-add symbol where function &optional props

Add the advice function to the named function symbol. where and props have the same meaning as for add-function (see Primitives to manipulate advices).

Function: advice-remove symbol function

Remove the advice function from the named function symbol. function can also be the name of a piece of advice.

Function: advice-member-p function symbol

Return non-nil if the advice function is already in the named function symbol. function can also be the name of a piece of advice.

Function: advice-mapc function symbol

Call function for every piece of advice that was added to the named function symbol. function is called with two arguments: the advice function and its properties.

Next: Ways to compose advice, Previous: Primitives to manipulate advices, Up: Advising Emacs Lisp Functions   [Contents][Index]