
The Java™ Tutorials

Trail: JDBC(TM) Database Access

The JDBC™ API was designed to keep simple things simple. This means that the JDBC makes everyday database tasks easy. This trail walks you through examples of using JDBC to execute common SQL statements, and perform other objectives common to database applications.

This trail is divided into these lessons:

trail icon JDBC Introduction Lists JDBC features, describes JDBC Architecture and reviews SQL commands and Relational Database concepts.

trail icon JDBC Basics covers the JDBC API, which is included in the Java™ SE 6 release.

By the end of the first lesson, you will know how to use the basic JDBC API to create tables, insert values into them, query the tables, retrieve the results of the queries, and update the tables. In this process, you will learn how to use simple statements and prepared statements, and you will see an example of a stored procedure. You will also learn how to perform transactions and how to catch exceptions and warnings.

Previous page: Beginning of Tutorial
Next page: JDBC Introduction